Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dear Lord... my first post.

Well, I've finally done it. I've broken down... I created a blog. Many people would just be like, "About time, you decided to join the digital age"

I would like to think that some proverbial, "stranger with candy" walked up to me and tried to con me... "Hey buddy... you know you wanna try blogging. Everyone is doing it. C'mon... One post never hurt anybody."

So... here I am. First post. First blog. I guess I'll start off with a little about what this blog is and who am I.

After reading dozens of other blogs out there from aspiring screenwriters, professional screenwriters and every other person involved with the Hollywood biz, I decided to add my two cents to the situation. Hopefully, helping others see how I got to where I am now to where I hope to be. Oh, and this should keep me insane... I mean sane with somewhere to write a perspective on these and thoughts. This brings me to...

Saran wrapped for your protection!

Who I am. My name is Chris and I just moved to Los Angeles from Michigan about a week and a half ago. I'm sharing a nice apartment with my friend up in the San Fernado Valley. I think it's a good starting point. I got a six month lease so when I find a job I can move closer to that.

I'm an aspiring writer that hopes one day that he will be able to add a slash director to the title.

(Read like Strong Bad)
So, buckle down and join me on this treacherous journey as Chris battles his way into the world of Hollywood. Can he survive the fierce competition? Will he ever find a job that he loves? When will he be able to eat anything besides Romen Noodles and Spaghetti?

Stay tuned... or else something bad might happen. No I'm serious. You might miss something... Fine. Go. Ya, I don't need you. Oh really? That's interesting because that's what your girlfriend said... whatever.... Oh the rubber glue thing... cute. Go play with your fourth grade friends... Ya, well don't ever let it happen again. You know I'm sensitive. Oh it's alright.... You know how I feel. Okay... I love you... Okay Okay... I love you! Jeeze. Get outta here.

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