Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Begining

This is the new start. I haven't been doing what I said I would. I meant to be sharing my adventure as I trucked on from obscurity to being produced. Notice I didn't say famous. I don't think that's what I'm after. i don't' care if people follow me or believe what I believe but I'm not here to lead a revolution. I can only represent what I believe in and if that's what you believe in, more power to you but I'm not here to spout rhetorical stories or beliefs. I'm whole emphasis is on thinking for yourself and if what I write does that for you, awesome. If not, oh well. That's for you to decide. It's the audience that has the power in these situations. I can only show you how I feel and it's for the audience to decide if that's how you feel.

This is my n-teenth uptempth to start something. To begin something. I'm just a guy trying to be a horror writer / director. Hopefully one day I'll say I'm one.